This LustCinema Original adult miniseries follows Christie (Mona Wales), an uptight theatre director who embarks on an unexpected journey into the world of BDSM when a new neighbour, Mickey Mod (played by himself), moves in to her building and sparks a dormant desire within her. Unaware that Mickey is a well known adult performer specialising in BDSM, Christie accidentally finds herself in his apartment one evening watching him dominate a blindfolded Julia Roca. Shocked by her arousal towards the scene in front of her, she decides to explore these new sensations and learn more about BDSM – first alone, and then under the direction of a Madame, played by the legendary Nina Hartley. With trust, communication, and respect, Christie finds a place to experience her deepest pleasures whilst showing that there is real power to be found in submission. This is a cinematic, explicit adult miniseries that explores fantasy and desire through a variety of fun and sexy BDSM scenes. From voyeurism and solo play, to a fetish session and a BDSM party this kinky miniseries will go beyond your expectations and leave you ready to submit.
LustCinema – Mona Wales And Julia Roca – Safe Word E01
February 18, 2023
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Studio: LustCinema
Tags: BDSM, Blindfold, Blowjob, Brunette, Bubble Butt, Cumshot, Deepthroat, Doggy Style, Domination, Fetish, Fingering, Hairy, Interracial, Kissing, Natural Tits, Pussy Licking, Submissive, Toys, Voyeur