Private – Private Exotic 1: Sluts of the Caribbean (2007)

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In this tropical adventure, a male photographer is captured and obligated to take photos of a famous football player while he fucks lots of different juicy sluts. Set in the Caribbean, see how voyeurism and secrecy really turns these horny babes on!

Scene Breakdown
Scene 1. Nesty, Tera Bond, Franco Trentalance
Scene 2. Olivia La Roche, Franco Trentalance
Scene 3. Tarra White, J.J.
Scene 4. Judith Fox, Tera Bond, Dieter Von Stein, George Uhl
Scene 5. Lauryn May, Nesty, Franco Trentalance, Marco Nero
Scene 6. Nesty, Dieter Von Stein
Scene 7. Renata Black, Dieter Von Stein, J.J.

Review by baskkk2003

The Viewing Situation

A word of caution about this review. I don’t own a copy of ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ and I’ve seen the movie only once. This means that anything I say is based on a first impression only and that I haven’t been able to go back and check the scenes again to add to my initial observations or to revise my opinions.

Rather than buying the film for my collection, I rented it earlier this week in a sex shop in the Red Light District of Amsterdam: I gave the movie a single viewing, there and then, in a DVD cabin at the back of the sex shop. This sort of thing is unusual for me nowadays. Normally I like to purchase Private movies online and enjoy them at my leisure in the privacy and comfort of my own home, with the option of repeated viewings if I‘m writing a review. So why did I choose to watch ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ in the way that I did? Well, I suppose I wanted to get back to my personal roots as a porn viewer, switched on by the ephemeral nastiness of seeing a skin flick in the sleazy, electric atmosphere of a notorious Red Light District: it’s the way I started out, many years ago, as a fly-by-night porno cinema-goer in London’s Soho and in Amsterdam as it was.

Don’t get me wrong… the sex shop cabin I used was new, clean and comfortable, and I was the first customer of the day: I’m fussy about hygiene! I suppose that the difference between me and other punters who pass through the cabin is that instead of holding my dick in my hand I was holding a notebook, so I could jot down a few things for the review. I was smoking a joint, too, so I could relax into the movie and find its vibe.

As far as writing the review was concerned, this situation had certain disadvantages. I decided to watch the film straight through, without skipping chapters or forward-fasting, and a frustrating thing happened midway through my enjoyment of the final sex scene, featuring Mia Black: the TV suddenly cut off and my time was up! Crap! Unless I paid another 12 euros for more time in the cabin, I wouldn’t be able to complete my review properly! At that point I couldn’t be bothered so I left the shop. Within a couple of minutes I’d turned into a narrow alleyway off Oudezlids Voorburgwal and bought the services of one of the several ‘window girls’ working there whose looks are up to the standard of the finest Private babes. While my gorgeous new acquaintance was busy taking care of me, fresh images of Mia Black still played in my mind… I was nostalgically experiencing the excitement of having been turned on by porn in an environment where so many stunning whores are only a doorstep away, and I now felt weirdly pleased with my idea of preparing a review of a Private movie under these rather unorthodox circumstances!

The following morning I was back in the Red Light District and I promised myself that, for the sake of my review, I’d return to the same sex shop and finish watching the last scene of ‘Sluts Of the Caribbean’ in the cabin. But shucks… the shopkeeper hadn’t got around to putting the DVD case back on the shelf alongside all the other Private titles, where I’d found it the day before, and I couldn’t be arsed to ask him whether he still had that same DVD behind the counter. So I nipped into a neighbouring sex shop instead, one with equally clean cabins, and I picked up another copy of ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ for renting straight away. I finished watching Mia Black’s scene in a cabin and checked out the minimal Extra Materials. Then I went shopping for another ‘window girl’.

Why did I choose to review ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ from among all the other new Private releases? I suppose it’s because it was getting rather cold in Amsterdam, and there was a nice, warm allure to the box cover of this particular DVD, which shows a sky-blue background with Tarra White and Olivia La Roche in the foreground, simmering naked for our pleasure.

The Movie In Context

Directed by Alessandro del Mar, ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ is the first title in Private’s new ‘Exotic’ line. If this movie is anything to go by, ‘Exotic’ will be identical to Del Mar’s ‘Private Tropical’ range in all but name. Blue skies, blue seas, holiday islands and beaches, luxury condominiums and yachts, studs in tropical shirts, babes in bikinis… sex in the sun… it’s exactly the same formula as in ‘Tropical’. Del Mar shoots his material in his customary style, creating picturesque, angled compositions, with one eye on the sex performances and another eye on the colourful, exotic locations. The plot on which the whole spectacle hangs is typical of a Del Mar movie, full of sleazy shenanigans and double-dealing… this one’s about a photographer (Franco Trentalance) who’s paid by the owners of a glossy magazine (Tarra White in a dual role as twin sisters) to snap some pictures of various vacationing footballers in compromising sexual situations which will cause a scandal and ruin their careers while boosting magazine sales.

Del Mar has been criticised before for being ‘vanilla’, i.e. for serving up scenes which are pleasing on the eye but which somehow lack passion. There’s a degree of truth in this, but it seems to me that he always rigs together enough ‘orgasm triggers’ to do the job of porn serviceably well. In particular, I like the fact that nowadays Del Mar is following in the footsteps of Woodman and Adamo by asking the girls to glance at the camera during their scenes and to indulge in a little cum-play after the money shot: the girls are engaging the viewer in a direct erotic rapport as part of the entertainment. (I was recently disappointed to discover that Woodman himself, working now under his own label, seems to have abandoned his former trademark of getting girls with beautiful eyes to stare at the camera during the sex: I’m basing this observation on a viewing of Part 1 of his ‘Excalibur’ – a movie which is in the same mould as his classic costume dramas for Private Gold but which is inexplicably missing this crucial ingredient of camera eye-contact by the girls. Maybe Woodman is so taken with his epic story-telling in ‘Excalibur’ that he’s worried that camera eye-contact would ruin the viewer’s “willing suspension of disbelief”: I shouldn’t let THAT spoil the fun, Pierre!)

This is an interesting time for Private as it continues to work on diversifying the styles of its porn content. ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ confirms once more that Alessandro del Mar is a reliable jobbing director for the company. He’s maintaining a formulaic but decent minimum standard. Viewers who prefer something more experimental, chic or bizarre would be better off buying stuff by Private’s ‘new kids on the block’, such as X-Off. If Del Mar’s ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ is an easy choice while chilling with some weed in an Amsterdam sex shop, a movie like X-Off’s recent ‘Evil Geishas Hotel’ (Private Gold) is more art-house, one to run by the girlfriend (let’s say) after a cocaine-fuelled night at a trendy Los Angeles nightclub. Actually, I’m waiting for X-Off to calm down a little, to stop behaving like a hyped-up film school student on a madcap whirl in the editing suite and to focus more precisely on the porn. I’m very optimistic about what X-Off may deliver in the future – Private now has a possible successor to Tanya Hyde – but for the time being the ‘old skool’ Del Mar is a safer bet for me.

Scene 1

This is a pre-credits sequence, the only sex scene of the film to be shot indoors. Franco is lounging in what looks like the lobby of a hotel. He is seduced by Tera Bond, who is smartly dressed as an air stewardess. The couple make it into a bedroom where Nesty, Tera’s best friend, joins in with the fun. When it’s all over Tera purrs that they hope to see Franco again in the Caribbean.

This scene works well because of the contrast between Tera’s sultry feline control and blonde Nesty’s youthful femininity. Nesty is a similar physical type to the better known Boroka Balls, a little too lean in the face for my taste but still highly watchable. All three performers get busy and Franco feeds his cock from cunt to cunt. He splatters his cum over Nesty’s pink shaved quim and the underside of her thighs. Nasty Tera gathers up some of the jizz with her fingers and pops it into her mouth. She dribbles it over her friend.

Scene 2

When we next see Franco he’s aboard a yacht with Tarra White, a magazine publisher with sleek, kittenish looks. Tarra explains how she’ll be setting up different celebrity footballers with various sluts so that Franco can take some sneaky photographs of the sex and make big bucks for the magazine. This unscrupulous young businesswoman has a twin sister who is also in on the scheme: we see her, too, plotting with Franco. Tarra White, a 19 year old Czech girl, is cast as both the sisters and she appears to have fun delivering all the dialogue that these central roles require. She lights up the screen whenever she’s on.

Tarra puts Franco in touch with her assistant, Olivia La Roche, another 19 year old Czech girl. (It’s good news that Private is again displaying the ages of the girls in the Profiles section of the DVD Extra Features. Knowing which starlets were still teens when the movie was made adds piquancy to the dish!) Franco meets up with Olivia on a rocky beach and complains that the only problem with Tarra’s scheme is that he, as the photographer, will be the only guy involved who won’t be getting any sex! Olivia gives him a blowjob as consolation.

Olivia is my favourite girl of the movie. Although she does only oral in her scene, with no sex to follow, she’s a real beauty and she plays up to the camera a treat. While she’s blowing Franco she keeps throwing sexy looks in our direction as if to check that we, too, are enjoying what’s going on. The wet popping sounds she makes as she takes the cock in and out of her mouth work well against the background wash of the surf breaking on the rocks. When Franco finally cums on her face she gathers up some of the sperm on her fingers to lick it off for the camera and she gives us a captivating little pleased-with-herself smile.

I’d like to see much more of Olivia. Her Profile on the DVD gives her one other credit, for ‘Private Sex Auditions 3’ – so that may well be the next movie I buy. I hope she’s up for full sex scenes too. Her blowjob-only outing in ‘Sluts Of The Caribbean’ puts me in mind of the return to Private of another favourite starlet, Lucky: although Lucky was a main draw for Del Mar’s ‘Summer Sex Job in Guadaloupe’ (Private Tropical) she only did oral sex in the first release under that title and we had to wait until Part 2 to see her get down to some full-on fucking. Let’s hope that Del Mar moves Olivia along in the same direction he took Lucky.

Scene 3

Tarra fucks one of the footballers on the sand in front of a beached long boat. She takes the cock deep in her cunt and up the ass. Del Mar puts his camera close up against the action but he also likes to draw back with long shots, too, to show off the whole composition with the boat. I’m very impressed by Tarra’s energy … she bobs her head to and fro with amazing speed as she gives a blowjob, and her hands are as fast as lightning when pumping on the cock. It’s a very windy day and Tarra’s hair sweeps around her face. This all adds to the kinesis of the scene. Tarra’s mind is as lively as her body: she excites us with her sexy comments during key parts of the action: “You like my ass? Yes? You do?… Fuck my l’il horny ass! Yeah!” The scene ends with the footballer covering Tarra’s flushed and sun-reddened tits with creamy droplets of cum. A hot scene, nicely filmed.

Scene 4

Two couples fuck alongside an outdoor pool. Tera Bond and Judith Fox take a stud each and appear to enjoy every minute of it. Tera really works her butt as she performs the cowgirl position with her guy on a sun lounger – that’s just one position among several. Judith gives us some mischievous little smiles while spreading her legs for her own porking. The guy who cums over Tera whips his cock out of her pussy no more than a second before shooting his load across the length of her body. His pal creams Judith’s cunt and bum while her legs are open wide, and Tera is soon in there too, wiping up the cum and sucking it off her fingers. The scene ends with some messy tongue-to-tongue kissing between the two girls.

Scene 5

Franco persuades a famous footballer to join him on an excursion to an island where they can get it on with two girls, Nesty and Lauren May. Half way through the fucking on the island’s beach, Franco suddenly pulls out, to the surprise of the footballer, with a laughably unconvincing excuse that he’s remembered he has to be somewhere else. Franco doesn’t go far away, of course: his real reason for withdrawing is so that he can hide close by and take some juicy photos, for Tarra’s magazine, of the footballer getting into the two girls by himself.

Lauren May steals the scene on the beach with her nasty aptitude for deep throat and anal sex. The lurching, thrusting motions of her tanned body are a pleasure to watch. I love the squelching sounds as the surf rolls sand up around her ass while she’s being pounded. Nesty is hot as well, and the pace set by dusky Lauren helps the blonde to raise her own game. But Nesty’s performance looks somewhat precious when compared with Lauren’s rampage of lust. One amusing indicator of the difference between the girls is the way that the writhing Lauren appears to revel in having grains of sand stick all over her wet flesh whereas Nesty, in a more lady-like fashion, tends to rub her hands together to shake off some of the sand while clambering from one sex position to the next! The lone footballer cums over the girls’ faces with a no-hands orgasm comprising several impressive spurts of equal strength: Nesty gets some thick layers over her nose and brow. Meanwhile the snaps taken by Franco are as horny as hell; they could easily grace the pages of a Private magazine.

Scene 6

Having seen Nesty in two scenes already, including the last one, I was surprised to see her crop up in the sixth scene. But here she is once more, being fucked on the beach by another footballer while Franco secretly photographs the action. This time Nesty’s hair is plaited, a style which adds considerably to her cuteness. The colour of her hair, golden yellow like the sand, complements the deep blue of the sea and the sky, while the green of her bikini matches the foliage of the island in the background. It’s all very nice to look at: this perfect balance of colours shows, yet again, how Del Mar is able to exploit the natural beauty of his locations with judicious choices of girls, costumes and set-ups. Towards the end of this scene Nesty’s neck and breast have flushed up a little. The footballer cums straight into her mouth.

Scene 7

Mia Black gets fucked on a luxury yacht by two footballers while Franco creeps around and takes some more photos. Mia is a hot little number, looking somewhat like a younger Tera Bond: she has eyes shaped like Tera’s – narrow, but with a sexy arch slyness to them – and she also has Tera’s generous lips and raven hair. The guys are all slick with sun block and sweat. They fuck Mia right on the edge of the deck. I think of them as being stuntmen as much as studs; at times their positioning on the yacht looks so precarious that it seems as if they might just tumble overboard and fall into the sea. Mia takes a DP (double penetration) in two different positions. In the end one guy cums over her cunt while the other splashes her mouth, neck and chin.

“Good job, very good job!” concludes Tarra, reviewing all the photos with Franco. He can now look forward to being paid a large cash sum. He celebrates his success by snuggling up on a sun lounger with Olivia. It looks as if things couldn’t get better, but suddenly he wakes up… he’s back in the same hotel lounge where he was at the beginning of the film, and where he’s obviously dozed off! It seems that the whole thing was just a dream!

If you like sex-in-the-sun porn starring very pretty girls, I’d recommend this movie.

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