Big boobed redhead Lenina Crowne is admiring her reflection in the mirror when she slips out of her towel and takes a soapy shower. This horny babe pushes her tits against the glass shower door and rinses off before she dries and heads into her bedroom. While she waits for her masseuse to arrive, Lenina masturbates and toys herself with a glass dildo, making her pussy nice and juicy! She hears someone at the door and lets her masseuse, Jay in ready to set up. Lenina gets naked and climbs up onto the massage table while Jay works his magic, moving ever closer to her oiled up pussy! He starts to rub her clit and slips his fingers into her snatch before things heat up as he licks her pussy! Lenina sucks his cock, slowly and sensually before she speeds up and soon after Jay fucks her pussy deep! She kneels down and takes Jay’s load all over her tongue before this filthy redhead plays with his spunk!