Veronica Vain walks into the massage room, with her giant tits peeking out of her thin white top, confused after noticing there’s no receptionist. The masseuse Veruca James doesn’t have any issue with that, so she offers Veronica stay for her massage, noticing a certain familiarity that she can’t quite place. Veruca starts the massage at Veronica’s upper back, but is determined to get to the bottom of this, and so she continues asking questions until she finds out that they know each other from summer camp! Better yet, Veruca got caught playing 7 minutes in heaven with Johnny, Veronica’s husband! Veruca keeps massaging Veronica, and keeps pushing her buttons, and it’s clear the jealousy is rising in the room. Veruca’s focus has clearly shifted, and she begins seducing Veronica, regardless of her hesitation. Before too long, Veruca spreads Veronica’s legs and shows her that Johnny didn’t learn a thing in camp, and that Veruca knows how to please a woman. Veruca gets to her specialty, fingering Veronica’s milky white and pink pussy, she begins moaning while her pussy is massaged, and soon the lesbian masseuse has turned her client into a big lesbian herself, by covering her mouth and stimulating her delicious pussy with her expert hands.